Tuesday 19 April 2016

Position Statement

Line is at the core of my practice and I feel as though that I have solidified a creative process in the last few months. Through rigorous exploration of line in different mediums, I have noticed that it is most effective when realized traditionally and then scanned in to be coloured and enhanced on Photoshop– taking a purely digital approach from start to finish has been detrimental to pieces of work beforehand and it is good that I finally realise this in order to have a strategy to image-making. While the themes of my work tend to vary quite a lot, content-wise, the figure is often relevant.

I am strongly influenced by literature and would ideally like to work in the world of publishing and book design. I have built up a portfolio exploring this industry and will slowly send it out to relevant art directors in the form of my post card mailers, interwoven with regulated e-mails.

Screen print is also another strand of my practice that I wish to continue. I have spent the last three years on this course nurturing this skill and I feel like I will leave here confident enough to work independently in a print studio. I want to be able to intern at one, but if this doesn’t happen then I will purchase membership to East London Printmakers in order to further this aspect of my practice.

While I have built up a strong portfolio in both these areas over the last year, I am aware of the fact that editorial is the ‘bread and butter’ of most freelancing illustrators. I will not get regular work in the publishing industry immediately, so need to begin to think about how I approach this industry and build up a relevant portfolio to send to a new batch of relevant employers, as it is currently very sparse.

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