Monday 4 April 2016

Henry Steadman-ing

Hi Henry,

I'm an illustration student in his final year of study at Leeds College of Art and I discovered you and your work from the judges list of the Academy of British Cover Design 2015.

I'm really interested in entering the world of publishing and book cover design, and even though you're no longer art directing and your body of work is primarily photography-based, I was wondering if you had a minute to let me know what you think of this mini-portfolio I've put together:

I'm also interested in your decision to go freelance after art directing - what prompted it? Is there any advice you can give to a graduate that is most likely going to go freelance?

I appreciate you must be very busy, so thanks a lot for your time.


Emanuel Santos

Sent this e-mail off to Henry Steadman - hopefully he has a minute to look through the issu document i sent him. Would be good to get some feedback on my work from someone outside of university, an ex-art director no less.

I also sent connection requests to Suzanne Dean of Penguin, Donna Payne of Faber and Jo Walker of HarperCollins on Linkedin. If they don't get accept in a couple days I'll shoot them an e-mail too.

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