Wednesday 6 April 2016

Portfolio updating

So in response to the advice I got from Henry Steadman, I've re-considered how I approach the creation of my cover for Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and am now more aware of the necessity to break up the similar work.

I think the pages containing The Versions of Us covers and the War Horse illustrations certainly needed breaking up due to the similar colour palettes. I am removing War Horse and sticking in Electric Sheep to finish off the portfolio with a strong piece that stands out a bit.
Naked Lunch is being introduced after The Bell Jar as it breaks up my usual approach to image making with more expressive brush and ink work.
I really like my War Horse work and I think it's a good demonstration of my skills in purely illustration, but I feel as though for publishing-specific clients perhaps it's not as necessary to be included.
I'll send out this updated portfolio to people from now on. I want my e-mail to be a follow up to a mailer though. At the moment I'm waiting for my business cards to arrive in the post so that I can send them out along with the postcards I printed out recently.

I have also made a preliminary general portfolio. At the moment it's just the publishing one with the extra projects from 603 tacked on the end, but it's more representative of the portfolio I will have out on display at the end of year show which is good to see.

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