Friday 8 April 2016


Killington Arts is a cool agency that represents the likes of Owen Freeman and Jun Cen


I'm an illustration student coming up to the end of his final year of study at Leeds College of Art. I discovered your agency through the work of Owen Freeman and really like the type of artists that you represent - the sensibilities of the work really resonate with me.

Ive been trying to make sense of some recent projects on my website and was wondering if you had any feedback you could share on what's up at the moment:

I appreciate you guys must be very busy, so thanks for your time.


Emanuel Santos

This is the first agency I've emailed since Heart and CIA at the beginning of the module, when I asked them if there was any point getting in contact without a developed 'tone of voice'. I feel now that I have developed a bit more of that now so maybe it's not so bad an idea to contact them now.


Also e-mailed David Stevenson - an art director from Bantam, an imprint of Random House and Henry Yee - AD from Picador books. Picador does actually have quite an impressive catalogue of illustrative book covers

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