Tuesday 20 May 2014

Poster ideas


Incorporating his name into the line work subtley, but not sure it makes for a clear enough type. Above are both digital and traditional methods to achieving the effect (much harder to do traditionally). 

Simple idea with his beard where text could either go inside it or above his head.

I redrew Theo along with a background separately and put them together on Photoshop: 
I also considered making the background vector through live tracing on Illustrator to make cleaning it easier, but this makes for an inconsistent aesthetic with the portrait so I'll keep the background raster (left image)


Dual coloured - I'm keen on keeping this black and white but having done this makes me think of turning this into a screenprint at some point for the exhibition. The colour scheme/change would have to be subtle like on the brown and navy one below:

(Futura on left and Century Gothic on right)

With and without stroke on main image. Aesthetic definitely works better without the stroke.
Inverting the colours of the background, but maybe it looks too similar to this album cover. Feels unoriginal.

Some more type layout ideas. The boxed background of lines doesn't exactly fit the proportions of the page as evidenced by the uneven white space around the edges, so I want to see whether I can get the text and image laid out more nicely.

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