Friday 4 March 2016

Creative Networks - The Future of Colour and Application

Some interesting talkers this evening. The content of the talkers' work was diverse and their ideas behind colour were interesting.

Kit Miles:

Has two sides to his practice - Very classical botanical style repeat wallpapers, but also the more futuristic shape based stuff. He said with these shape based designs, that what made them interesting was the strange adjacency of colours to create drama in the piece. I think this is most evident in the first image with the pink emerging at the bottom.

Shape based work has colour at its core. When using shape, the strength of the image is built upon how they interact and build the image. He believed that form and colour are interlinked, the two help build each other.
Even though my work is primarily line based, I found this really interesting, since I do try to soften the obviousness of line in my work by colouring in my line work as well to create more harmonious connections between spaces of colour.

Kit takes inspiration for colour from old master paintings, particularly Piero Della Francesca. He also said blue is the colour of dreams.
The combination of orange and grey in the third image really appeals to me. Must try this sort of thing out myself at some point.

Dennis Parren:

Harder to relate this stuff to my practice specifically, but Dennis Parren is a Dutch artist who graduated in 2011 and has made lots of light installations and sculptures. What I did find interesting was the flexibility of the appearance of his installations by making them all white and then using coloured light to change them.
He likes working with LEDs, particularly for his lamps because they are small and easy to conceal, while also giving sharp shadows. If I ever want to go into 3D that will be good to know.

Blond and Bieber, a Berlin-based designer duo were even less relatable to my practice, but were still very interesting to hear talk - they were into making sustainable textile designs from using things like algae as colour pigment. What I did note down was the way they were able to make yellow, maroon and green work together as a colour palette in one of their images. Must try that as well at some point.

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