Thursday 10 March 2016

Andy Singleton talk

To be honest, I didn't get a whole lot out of this, but his work was very nice to look at, especially the more illustrative stuff which boasts some great photographic composition and colour - he placed great importance on the quality of photographing your objects well, since it's these photos that will be circulated on the internet and people will see.

He also mentioned that after uni, as part of a personal project he was fascinated by photos of nebulae out in space. This led to him just doing lots of cut out installations based on these photos. Him and a friend eventually set up a gallery exhibition in New York that was funded by Kickstarter.
He also placed great emphasis on being pro-active in trying to get stuff like this done, it's not that hard. I found the bit about him making work based on photos of nebulae really inspiring since I'm on a bit of a space craze myself - I want to carry on this momentum of fascination after uni. I want to keep on painting planets and making work like this.

He also mentioned the website, which posts just that. Should keep an eye on it.

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