Monday 23 November 2015

Good Wives and Warriors lecture

These collaborative designers were interesting to hear speak, although it was obvious that they carried out their process very differently to what a purely illustrative practitioner would.

Hearing them talk about their process for this book cover is interesting, and while it seems that they just tried to throw as many concepts in as they could, it doesn't detract from the overall image, as I suppose it lends itself to their ultra detailed way of working. I don't think I'd manage to make something like that work quite as well, nor would I try as I think making simpler images with a strong concept is more interesting.

Some interesting things from their talk:

  • One of them did an internship working for an illustrator called Hannah Stouffer, which I found very interesting since you don't hear about illustration interns that often. I asked her about it, and apparently it involved a lot of "shaking her posca pens" for her and other little errands. However, she did say that by observing her she learnt a lot about dealing with clients and was surprised at how much she was charging for her work, since she didn't know an illustrator could acceptably charge that much.
  • Publishing jobs don't pay very well - a couple hundred pounds maybe. Advertising pays a lot of money - This swatch brief got them £17,000. The amount of work you do is hardly ever proportionate to the amount you get paid.
  • They work as Good Wives and Warriors only 3 days a week. Their other jobs are textile designer for Topshop, and artist assistant in a studio. They said that working only 3 days a week as Good Wives and Warriors lessens the pressure they feel to keep it highly commercial and allows them to be a bit more experimental and do their own personal, more 'fine art-y' projects.

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