Tuesday 3 November 2015

Career Track Tuesday - 27th October

Finding a job - Alternative Ways of Job Hunting

I went to this Careers Track session, and while a lot of the stuff that was taught had already been covered by John, such as ways of getting yourself out there and networking, there were a few points which I did find really interesting:

  • The "hidden" job market - only about 30% of all available jobs are advertised publicly. The other 70% are got through employers contacting people they know first before bothering to ask outside their network. 
  • The vacancy filling process from the employer goes something like this: Lateral moves or internal promotion > Contacts from existing staff > Networking /Word of mouth > Professional organisations > Recruitment agencies/Job centres > Adverts/Websites
  • Most people look for jobs starting from the red, whereas employers employ from the green downwards
  • A lot of university websites don't restrict access to their careers prospect sections. It's worth having a look through them, particularly those for University of the Arts London. I was given a very long list at the session which I'll be going through
It was also another kick to start emailing people. I've set myself a deadline to contact House of Illustration and Shotopop, a design agency that John told me about, before Christmas. I also want to have a chat with Mike in the print room about his experience at a print studio before coming here.

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