Monday 2 March 2015

Colours May Vary exhibition

I worked as part of the Promo Team for our exhibition "Off the Page" in February. I found this to be a very interesting and fun experience.
Some mistakes were made during the process which contributed to some good learning - the need for the unification of promotional material (we initially proposed to have 8 or 9 different poster designs), what kind of information that should be included/excluded on the poster (no free drinks) and some pointers in graphic design as me and Joe spent quite a lot of time designing the layout for the final poster (even though Matt came in at the end and pushed the quality even further).
Line breaks look really good on posters.

Packaging the prints that I wanted to sell was stressful as I did it the night before they had to be given in, but when I finally had my prints packaged in newsprint, signed and editioned, they looked incredibly professional and I almost didn't want to give them away to sell. It also made me feel a lot better about the work I had produced for the OUIL504 module.

On the actual opening night, the turnout was great which meant that the promotion had worked, which is always nice to know - I realised that you can never be sure that what you're doing is working until the actual event comes along.

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