Monday 25 January 2016

Domain names

I still need to pay Cargo the upgrade fee before I can stick it to a domain name, but I'm trying to research a good domain host. People on the course use Namecheap and Godaddy, so I started out looking at these.

Godaddy has an offer which gives you the first month for £1.99, but then all subsequent months are £9.99. Namecheap is £7.46 from the get-go which actually works out cheaper by the third year, so it seems to be a viable option so far. But I don't really know what one domain host can offer over another, so I need to do more research.

29/1/16: i now own

Eve Lloyd Knight

I e-mailed Eve Lloyd Knight a couple days ago. She's an illustrator who did a really nice screen printed book called 'Pedestal'. I asked for advice for when I start my Big Kahuna.
Hopefully she replies

Update: She did reply, but due to how long ago she did the project she can't remember what stock exactly she used. She did mention that it was slightly off white with a slight texture though. It was also pretty thin - as thin as she could make it without compromising the print but still easy to fold. The cover was 'regular canson paper'.

Not as informative as I had hoped, but still very helpful. Off-white textured paper might be fun to use.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Some things

I e-mailed Drew Millward and prop4g4nd4 a couple of days ago about their posters and who they think are the best people to talk to about getting feedback on my work. Neither have replied yet, but that's okay.

I also e-mailed the House of Illustration in London about volunteering. This is something i want to do over Easter to keep busy and productive. I also think it's worth getting some experience in a job-like environment since I don't have any, which is a scary thought when I try to apply for jobs after uni

Mike in the print room said to not get too bummed out about the gig posters not really going anywhere and that I just need to be persistent. might be annoying and give Grimes' tour manager another try

I'm planning on emailing Robert Hunter about Blinkart soon

Monday 18 January 2016

I got an account on cargo collective in order to have a more formal place to host my work online rather than just my tumblr. I played around with the layout for a couple of hours today and think it's alright for now. I've put up 10 pieces of work that I've done which are worthy of show, but I want to fill out each section comfortably (I should really have more for the 'book' section), so I guess I've just got to keep on making more stuff.

PPP session 18/1/16

What have I done so far on my PPP blog to tick the boxes for the learning outcomes:

  • Have began to think about preliminary portfolio pieces
  • Thought about how I will maintain a screen printing practice
  • Began to try and send some designs to musicians to get my work out there.
What I intend to do:
  • Update promo material from last year
  • Contact some people in industry for feedback on my work - John gave me the e-mails of some music promoters before christmas in relation to my screen printed posters.
  • E-mail House of Illustration for volunteering opportunities
  • Write a CV (creative or not)
  • Make a website, perhaps with Cargo Collective
What I want/need to do after my first year of leaving:
  • Have a part-time job to sustain myself
  • Have membership to East London Printmakers in order to keep screen printing
  • Have new significant pieces of work that can go in my portfolio so I'm not dwelling too much on what I did in final year
  • Have a more serious studio space at home
  • Buy a new scanner - Epson Perfection V37 (the same ones in these studios)
  • Be a part of some kind of creative network where I can communicate with other creatives
After five years of leaving:
  • Have a flat of my own
  • Be getting enough commissions to be working everyday
  • Have a client list I can be proud of
  • Have enough pieces of work completed so that I can easily adapt a portfolio to varying types of clients