Wednesday 2 December 2015

Sonnenzimmer - Didactics: Warp and Weft: Poster Construction + Formal Additive Programs

SONNENZIMMER (2015) Didactics: Warp and Weft: Poster Construction + Formal Additive Programs. Chicago: Green Lantern Press

Didactics finally arrived in the library last week and I've been giving it a peruse for the last few days and can safely say it is the most insane book on design I have ever read. It gives a really detailed report on Sonnenzimmer's various event poster designs in terms of project information, connection between the visuals and the event/music, and the composition, including intended line of sights and areas of interest. Along with each of these is provided a short exercise for the reader to carry out in order to inspire a creative process of their own.

The last part of the book, 'Formal Additive Programs', takes the reader through a process of deconstructing a drawing in order to produce something completely new. I'm excited to begin trying out some of these exercises myself as part of my studio practice.

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