Tuesday 27 October 2015

update: They did!

I genuinely like these guys and their music, so to know that they enjoyed my work is great. They also have my email address if they ever want anything done!

I e-mailed Flight Facilities this poster I designed for OUIL603, hopefully they receive/like it.

Friday 23 October 2015

Nice posters




For OUIL603 Brief 1 - really nice incorporation of text and image. 

I emailed a couple of agencies with a question

My biggest concern about my practice is my lack of a concrete tone of voice. I already mentioned that I've looked at some agencies but that I didn't want to contact them with a portfolio because of this, so I emailed Heart and Central Illustration Agency to instead ask about the importance of style/tone of voice. They got back to me the next morning:

They both say pretty much the same thing, that a style is a must for agency representation. But the emails were still useful and encouraging - Tess from CIA reminded me that most illustrators they sign have been in the industry for years so have had more time to develop their practice and Helen explained why a 'style' is so important, as well as recommending a book that I now intend to read.

Thursday 15 October 2015


Found this article on Creative Review that has some really lovely animation which makes me want to try my hand at animation again this year.

New York Times - Modern Love from Moth on Vimeo.

House of Illustration


I knew about the House of Illustration competition that is on yearly, but I never really bothered to investigate the organisation itself. Turns out that it's a proper gallery in Kings Cross quite close to where I live in London.
They don't have any jobs open but they do have opportunities for volunteering, which I think sounds like a lot of fun when I go back home during easter and maybe after I graduate.

Monday 12 October 2015

Guardian Brief

I don't normally do editorial illustration because I find it hard to come up with snappy conceptual images to accompany writing, but I thought this would be a worthwhile brief to take on at the beginning of the year.
The three articles to be illustrated were on
  • Creating a perfect portfolio
  • Careers in the arts and creative industries
  • The revival of crafts and analogue methods in a world if digital advancements
I chose to not illustrate these articles literally, with the potential for overlap in concept between the images. I'm happy that I chose to also use mostly traditional means for the images, utilising coloured pencil, ink and cut paper. This mixture of traditional media is something i would like to do more of in my work.