Thursday 27 August 2015

An MA in Illustration?

Thinking more about my options for after Level 6, I have considered the possibility of doing an MA. The MA Creative Practice course at Leeds College of Art doesn't seem suited to me as I want something that is specific to illustration in order to really build a better understanding of the discipline.

The course at AUB sounds like it has similar aims and goals to what we try to achieve at Leeds, but I imagine it will take it much further and expand on any questions I may have about my practice by the end of this year.
However I have to admit that part of my reasoning for wanting to undertake an MA is simply the security that a structured course can provide after I graduate. This may not be the best reason to throw myself into this, and reading the description of the course makes it sound like people who take some time away from studying to see where they're going would benefit the most from returning to university at a later date with more structure, should they need it.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Uniqlo t-shirt competition

Got an e-mail from D&AD about a t-shirt competition from Uniqlo. I entered a Star Wars t-shirt competition for them last year. I didn't win, but it was fun and I was pleased with what I came up with. This time the competition was about what London means to me

I took a vector approach because I thought it was the easiest way to make the bus image appealing enough to go on a shirt. It's not really what much of my work tends to look like, but I had fun making it and am pleased with the end result. 
I feel like it has a bit of a simple, but stronger concept behind it compared to other things I have done.
This is an aspect of my work I can hopefully work on in Level 6

Tuesday 25 August 2015


I did a bit of travelling this summer and tried to keep a sketch book that I regularly drew in

These are some drawings from my family holiday to Ecuador. I bought a set of colouring pencils before Summer because everyone else on the course made them look fun, and it turns out they were. I don't know how they'll factor into more finished illustrations, but they make sketchbooks look nice.